Drinking the requisite amount of water a day is easy to do in the summer. It’s when the weather starts getting cooler and we don’t experience as much thirst that we forget to drink as much water as our body really needs. When the weather is hot, most of us are eager to grab the nearest bottle of cold
water and glug it down rapidly. But in the winter, many of us can go all day without even thinking about drinking water. This is a highly unhealthy practice as the waterchange in season makes very little difference in
diminishing the importance and requirement of water by the body. The reason for not feeling as thirsty in the winter is quite simple. Unlike in the summer, we don’t sweat a lot and hence don’t feel as thirsty that often in the winter. Thanks to the crisp weather, we tend to get hungry often in the winter and end up eating a lot of food. To aid and hasten the process of digestion, water is needed by the body. By not consuming the right amount of water, digestive problems like constipation and others can take place. Furthermore, water is also needed to keep the skin supple, soft and moisturized during the dry winter months. The fact is, that maintaining hydration is vital for the proper functioning of the body, irrespective of season.


Now go grab a glass of water and keep this healthy habit going!