Fall Means…
3Oct, 2017 Fall means football, flu season, and that last stretch of pleasant weather before winter kicks in. Days are getting shorter, temperatures are getting cooler, and as the holidays approach, it’s a tempting time to slip out of exercise routines and pack on the pounds. Read this short article for some tips on fall wellness. 1. Prioritize Physical ActivityKeep Reading

What is your posture?
29Aug, 2017
3 Tricks to Master Meditation
30May, 2017
Random Acts of Kindness
1Nov, 2016 Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness from a stranger or an anonymous source? Do you remember how it made you feel? Research reveals that doing good deeds, or kind acts, can make socially-anxious people feel better. For four weeks, the University of British Colombia researchers assigned people with high levels of anxiety toKeep Reading

May Supplement of the Month
17May, 2016 Cataplex D, supports bone health, mineral absorption, the immune system, and cellular process. Encourages healthy calcium absorption from the intestional tract into the blood stream Supports and maintains a healthy bone density Provides Vitamin D, which is needed by almost every cell in the body For more information on this product, make sure to talk to Dr.Keep Reading