What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

4Jul, 2017
This month we celebrate our freedom as a nation and all that it stands for which is wonderful. Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. That leads to the question, \"What does freedom mean to you regarding your health - financially, physically, spiritually, or mentally?\" DoesKeep Reading
Juicing Recipes

Juicing Recipes

27Jun, 2017
Have you ever tried juicing? Some health benefits of incorporating juicing into your life are: Enjoy your daily dose of veggie and fruits - and try new ones! Your body can easily absorb the nutrients It can help you detox your body Anti-Inflammatory Juice 4 Celery Stalks ½ Cucumber 1 cup Pineapple ½ Green Apple 1 cupKeep Reading
Mental Health and Chiropractic

Mental Health and Chiropractic

2May, 2017
Most often people associate chiropractic care with aches and pains of daily life or a chronic nagging pain that they need relief from. Chiropractic care is so much more than that. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to show you how chiropractic plays a large role in keeping our mind sharp and as healthyKeep Reading
Getting Vitamin D During the Winter

Getting Vitamin D During the Winter

27Dec, 2016
Just How Much Vitamin D do we need? Just 15 minutes of sun at mid-day in the summer is sufficient. Of course, this varies based on how much skin is exposed (darker skinned people may need more time), the time of the day (mid-day is best for vitamin D), altitude (the higher the altitude you are at theKeep Reading
December Chiropatients

December Chiropatients

20Dec, 2016
December Chiropatient of the Month Arvella Marlow Ms. Arvella has been coming to our office for over 10 years! She is always smiling, and she always make sure to get her adjustments in! We love Ms. Arvella and the positive energy she brings into the office. She is committed, she is always kind, and we love seeingKeep Reading