Just How Much Vitamin D do we need?
Just 15 minutes of sun at mid-day in the summer is sufficient. Of course, this varies based on how much skin is exposed (darker skinned people may need more time), the time of the day (mid-day is best for vitamin D), altitude (the higher the altitude you are at the more vitamin D your body can make), cloud cover, etc. During the winter, it’s hard to get out in the cold.
So what can we do?
Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon, especially the wild salmon, tuna, mackerel, mushrooms, eggs and vitamin D fortified foods such as milk (any milk will do–cow, soy, almond, or coconut milk are all fortified). My favorite way to get vitamin D in the winter is from salmon. Just a small 4-ounce serving of salmon offers us 265% of our daily recommended allowance of this critically important vitamin. As vitamin D can be stored, just 2.5 servings of salmon each week would get us all of the vitamin D we need.
Take a Vitamin D supplement
Our Cataplex D is a great supplement to take during the winter while you’re not getting enough sun. Ask the girls at the front desk how to get this!