
Spring is in the air. Flowers are budding. Leaves are growing. And the days are getting longer. That’s terrific, right?

Unfortunately for many of us, when we hear “Spring is in the air,” our minds focus on months of runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing. We’re more likely to grab a handful of tissues than stop and smell the flowers.

Hay fever erupts this time of year. Millions of us suffer from this condi­tion, which causes the body to become hypersensitive to pollen and other environmental substances. This condi­tion causes a number of irritating symptoms that can make life miserable.

What Causes Allergic Reactions?

Your immune system recognizes and removes harmful substances from your body. Inflammation, sneezing, cough­ing and vomiting are methods the immune system uses to expel any dangerous substance ingested by you.

However, an allergic response is when your immune system activates against a substance that is usually considered harmless. Essentially, the allergic reaction is caused not by the substance itself but by your body’s interpretation the substance is poten­tially harmful.

What Happens Inside the Body?

When an allergic reaction starts, the body activates special immune cells called mast cells. On the surface of their membranes, these mast cells possess receptors that recognize substances considered either harmful or helpful to the body. When harmful substances are detected, the cells release histamines. These chemicals sensitize the body to react, which then attempts to remove harmful substances by sneezing, coughing, etc.

Can Chiropractic Help With Allergies?

Since the beneficial effects of chiropractic adjustments on the nervous system are well documented, it’s not surprising many chiropractic patients report a reduction of allergy symptoms when treated regularly for vertebral subluxations.  Misalignment or dysfunctional movements of vertebra can cause a focal irritation in the spine, which then creates an abnormal signal received by the central nervous system.  When this aberrant signal occurs along the same pathway required for the input of normal environmental messages, the body may not interrupt the information correctly.  When this occurs, an allergic reaction can result.

If you are having any of these symptoms, make sure to schedule an appointment with us to get checked – we would love to help!