January ChiroPatients

January ChiroPatients

5Jan, 2016
Megan started coming to our office because of her severe neck pain and headaches and after trying other options she finally found that chiropractic worked. She is a firm believer in chiropractic and so much so that she referred her mother, Sherry, to us. We have enjoyed the sweet company of both women in our office! WeKeep Reading
Glitz, Glamour, and Glow 2015

Glitz, Glamour, and Glow 2015

31Dec, 2015
  Pictured From Left to Right: Dr. Brent, Mary, Dr. Moe, and Josh We participated in Glitz, Glamour, and Glow in November of this year and had a great time! We had spinal scans and chair massages available to anyone that wanted to participate and see how their body and nerves were functioning. These events are greatKeep Reading
New Year Resolutions – How To Keep Them

New Year Resolutions – How To Keep Them

29Dec, 2015
As the New Year approaches we begin to think about the things we wanted to accomplish in the previous years and never finished. We can begin to feel guilty for not completing our \"to-do\" lists BUT we are starting a new year full of fresh vision and motivation. Here are some great ways to stay motivated throughoutKeep Reading
13 Tips To Feel Good Today

13 Tips To Feel Good Today

22Dec, 2015
We\'re often told to practice self-love and self-care, but it\'s rare that we\'re given practical advice on how to actually do it. 1. Set an intention for the day. When you wake up in the morning, write your intention down or say it to yourself first thing. 2. Meditate, just for two minutes. Spend just two orKeep Reading
Gifts You Can’t Wrap

Gifts You Can’t Wrap

15Dec, 2015
\"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.\" -Calvin Coolidge At Christmas time we often focus on giving gifts to those we love and cherish. Have you ever given gifts to people that youKeep Reading
December ChiroPatients

December ChiroPatients

8Dec, 2015
Kamryn Latta, Alexis & Jordan Sager Kamryn, Alexis, and Jordan have been faithful patients of ours for almost a year! They bring a fun personality to the office when they walk in and love getting their adjustments!         Riley Teasdale Riley comes in with his mother and is the sweetest little boy. He lovesKeep Reading