February Chiropatients

February Chiropatients

16Feb, 2016
Willis Alston Willis has been a faithful patient for almost 2 years, coming in weekly to get his maintenance adjustments. He is such a friendly guy always handing out hugs and different goodies for the employees and other patients. We love seeing his smiling face when he walks in! He is our top referrer of other patientsKeep Reading
Arthritis and Chiropractic Care

Arthritis and Chiropractic Care

9Feb, 2016
Do you or someone you know suffer with arthritis?  Arthritis is typically considered to be incurable, the standard medical response has been to simply prescribe medications to reduce the symptoms. This does nothing to heal the body, but it covers up the issue. However, the good news is that substantial evidence now shows that the pain and disability causedKeep Reading
7 Healthy Habits to Lose Weight

7 Healthy Habits to Lose Weight

2Feb, 2016
We all know the fad diets that help us shed the extra pounds but when the circumstances in our lives change we tend to go back to our same habits that got us there before our diet started. Here are some tips to incorporate into your daily routine that will help you lose weight and keep itKeep Reading
Essential Oils – What Are They?

Essential Oils – What Are They?

26Jan, 2016
What are these little bottles you may ask? They are powerful essential oils that will change your life! Essential oils are the life blood of the plant and have been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. Young Living is the company we use and recommend hereKeep Reading
Catalyn – Supplement of the Month!

Catalyn – Supplement of the Month!

19Jan, 2016
Catalyn, Dr. Royal Lee\'s first product, contains vital nutrients from whole food sources. Supplies multiple vitamins and minerals for complete, complex nutritional supplementation Designed to bridge nutritional gaps in the diet Encourages healthy cell function Supports overall well-being For more information on this product or other Standard Process products, make sure to talk to Dr. Brent orKeep Reading
Headaches & Chiropractic Care

Headaches & Chiropractic Care

12Jan, 2016
If you have a headache, you\'re not alone. 9 out of 10 American\'s suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause delibitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you have a headache? Grit your teeth, grin and bear it, lie down, pop a pill and hope itKeep Reading