May Supplement of the Month

May Supplement of the Month

17May, 2016
Cataplex D, supports bone health, mineral absorption, the immune system, and cellular process. Encourages healthy calcium absorption from the intestional tract into the blood stream Supports and maintains a healthy bone density Provides Vitamin D, which is needed by almost every cell in the body For more information on this product, make sure to talk to Dr.Keep Reading
Vitamin D and Your Immune System

Vitamin D and Your Immune System

10May, 2016
\"Keep your immune system strong with chiropractic care and Vitamin D!\" Vitamin D and Your Immune System It has now been determined that Vitamin D is, in many ways, more powerful, than any vaccine you could take. Vitamin D increases your immune function while dramatically stimulating the production of potent anti-microbial peptides. Vitamin D from sun exposureKeep Reading
Chiropractic and Allergies

Chiropractic and Allergies

3May, 2016
Spring is in the air. Flowers are budding. Leaves are growing. And the days are getting longer. That’s terrific, right? Unfortunately for many of us, when we hear “Spring is in the air,” our minds focus on months of runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing. We’re more likely to grab a handful of tissues than stop andKeep Reading
Natural Remedies for Ear Infections in Children

Natural Remedies for Ear Infections in Children

26Apr, 2016
Ear infections are a very important topic. This is commonly the condition that starts children down the antibiotic path of which is hard to switch them back to natural remedies. Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton, D.C.  states in his blog, \"Not all ear infections are actually infected ears, or even infections. Children\'s Eustachian tubes (ear canals) are notKeep Reading
April Chiropatients

April Chiropatients

19Apr, 2016
April 2016 Chiropatients Samuel Sanborn Samuel is one of our many children that come into the office! He\'s been coming for a few years and has gotten used to all of us in the office. He comes in for his maintenance adjustments to keep his immune system up and running! We love when children are excited aboutKeep Reading
April Supplement of the Month

April Supplement of the Month

12Apr, 2016
Supplement of the Month: Allerplex, with Vitamin A and C, supports the body \'s ability to handle seasonal, environmental, and dietary challenges. Supports the body\'s natural to manage mucous movement Supports healthy liver function Supports healthy lung and respiratory function For more information on this product, make sure to talk to Dr. Brent or Dr. Moe whenKeep Reading