June Chiropatients
21Jun, 2016 Heather and Josh wanted to get help for Bryson so they started bringing him to get adjustments. They saw the many benefits of chiropractic adjustments and wanted to get their spines checked. They\'re so glad they did because the adjustments have improved their pain and everyday function! They have been faithful patients and have shared their experience with chiropracticKeep Reading

June Supplement of the Month
14Jun, 2016 Zypan, a great supplement to have during the summer to support healthy digestion while we tend to lose our healthy eating habits! Supports gastrointestinal pH Provides enzymatic support for protein digestion Stearic acid included to coat the pancreation, helping it to be digested in the correct area of the digestive tract. For more information on this product,Keep Reading

Sunscreen Awareness: Top 4 Things to Avoid
7Jun, 2016 Spray Sunscreens One in every four sunscreens in this year\'s database is a spary. People like sprays because they\'re easy to squirt on squirming kids and hard to reach areas. But they may pose serious inhalation risks, and they make it too easy to apply too little or miss a spot. The FDA has expressed doubts aboutKeep Reading

Beat the Heat – Stay Hydrated!
31May, 2016 Since it is getting hotter and everyone is ready for summer, we wanted to give you some tips to stay hydrated this summer! Drinking water is fundamental to your health. It\'s the primary liquid that you and all humans can\'t live without. Every part of your body (your bones, skin, muscles, lungs, brain, and even the bloodKeep Reading