- Spray Sunscreens
- One in every four sunscreens in this year’s database is a spary. People like sprays because they’re easy to squirt on squirming kids and hard to reach areas. But they may pose serious inhalation risks, and they make it too easy to apply too little or miss a spot.
- The FDA has expressed doubts about their safety and effectiveness but hasn’t banned them. As long as they’re legal, sunscreen manufactureres will make them.
- Sky-high SPFs
- One eighth of the sunscreens we evaluated boast SPFs above 50+. SPF stands for “sun protection factor,” but that outdated term refers only to protection against UVB rays that burn the skin. It has little to do with a product’s ability to protect the skin from UVA rays, which penetrate deep into the body. The worst thing about high SPF’s is it gives a false sense of security and tempt them to stay in the sun too long.
- Oxybenzone
- Half of the beach and sport sunscreens in this year’s guide contain oxybenzone. When it penetrates into the skin, it gets into the bloodstream and acts like estrogen in the body. It can also trigger allergic skin reaction.
- Retinyl palmitate
- Nearly 20 percent of the sunscreens and SPF-rated moisturizers and 13 percent of SPF rate lip products in this year’s guide contain retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A. On sun-exposed skin, retinyl palmitate may speed development of skin tumors and lesion, according to government studies.
Look for these ingredients: Zinc, Titanium dioxide, Avobenzone or Mexoryl SX,
Look for these products: Cream, Broad spectrum protection, Water resistant for beach, pool, and exercise, SPF 30+ for beach and pool
Look for these products: Cream, Broad spectrum protection, Water resistant for beach, pool, and exercise, SPF 30+ for beach and pool
If you do happen to get too much sun, add a few drops of Young Living Lavender oil to coconut oil or your carrier oil of choice, and apply topically for a cooling effect on your skin! Great for adults and children! Ask Mary at the front desk how to get you a bottle!