Why do we need to drink more water? Because water is healthy for you.
You might not feel that this is a good enough reason to drink water. Maybe this will seem like a better reason for you.
Water makes up about two thirds of our body. Without water we would not be able to survive.
Every day our body loses water in normal processing, in chemical reactions, when we go to the bathroom (both urination and defecation), sweating, and small amounts each time we exhale.
Water is important for temperature regulation, lubricating your joints, protecting our SPINAL CORD and other sensitive tissue, and as stated earlier, removing waste from the body.
It is important for us to drink water or eat foods that our bodies can convert to water, every day.
When the weather is extremely hot our bodies lose water faster than it normally does. When we are exercising we lose water faster too.
If you’re exercising when the weather is hot, it is even more important to make sure water is part of your daily routine. This means drinking water even when you don’t feel thirsty.
Hydration comes from drinking water or something that adds water content to your body.
Fluids that contain caffeine can act as a diuretic and cause your body to lose water content instead of gain water, especially if you are drinking more than 40 ounces per day.
Sodas (regular or diet), coffee or teas that have caffeine should not be considered hydrating, especially during the hot weather.
According to the Institute of Medicine women need about nine cups of fluid and for men it is about 13 cups of fluid daily.
During the summer months enjoy the weather and stay hydrated by drinking water every day, thirsty or not.