The holiday season can be extremely stressful for a wide variety of reasons. For those who have experienced a hardship or have had a tough year, the holidays can exacerbate those feelings of loss and loneliness. Depression is a reality for many people, and getting through the holidays can be one of the most difficult things to do.
If you are finding it difficult to remain positive during the holiday season, here a few ways to ease your anxiety and depression in hopes of feeling more encouraged:
Focus on the Positive
For those who have undergone a significant loss, whether it be a death in the family, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, or something similar, it can be hard to find the positive in the situation, especially when it seems as if everyone else is feeling happier than you. However, if you can focus on the areas in your life where something is going right—no matter how large or small—you can slowly begin to feel more positive. Focusing on what you have instead of what you do not can help ease your anxiety.
Less Fortunate
Even in the most difficult of situations, a great way to stay positive is to remind yourself that someone out there has it worse than you. Spending time with the less fortunate can give you some perspective on your own situation, showing you that even in the most difficult of moments, there is something to be grateful for.
Volunteering during the holidays at a local homeless shelter, an orphanage, or a community center can be a great way to not only fill up your time, but also give you an opportunity to help others who may have it worse than you do.
The Big Picture
Finally, even in the darkest of situations, try to take a look at the larger picture. While what you are feeling might be totally justified, these feelings and your current situation are not forever. In a month, a year, or a few years, things will be different. While this season of your life has been difficult, there still is a future. Reminding yourself of that can help you gain perspective on your feelings.
Though the holiday season can be especially difficult, attempting to stay positive can help you feel as encouraged as possible.