Chiropractic and Allergies

Chiropractic and Allergies

3May, 2016
Spring is in the air. Flowers are budding. Leaves are growing. And the days are getting longer. That’s terrific, right? Unfortunately for many of us, when we hear “Spring is in the air,” our minds focus on months of runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing. We’re more likely to grab a handful of tissues than stop andKeep Reading
Chiropractic and Ear Infections

Chiropractic and Ear Infections

29Mar, 2016
Chiropractic Adjustments and Ear Infections Ear pain is the number one reason for child visits to chiropractors. Many chiropractors believe that there is a strong link between the birthing process and recurrent ear infection, also known as otitis media. During the birthing process, cervical (neck) vertebrae can become misaligned, disrupting nerve function, which can affect the EustachianKeep Reading
13 Tips To Feel Good Today

13 Tips To Feel Good Today

22Dec, 2015
We\'re often told to practice self-love and self-care, but it\'s rare that we\'re given practical advice on how to actually do it. 1. Set an intention for the day. When you wake up in the morning, write your intention down or say it to yourself first thing. 2. Meditate, just for two minutes. Spend just two orKeep Reading