Ways to Stay Positive During the Holiday

Ways to Stay Positive During the Holiday

6Dec, 2016
The holiday season can be extremely stressful for a wide variety of reasons. For those who have experienced a hardship or have had a tough year, the holidays can exacerbate those feelings of loss and loneliness. Depression is a reality for many people, and getting through the holidays can be one of the most difficult things to do. If youKeep Reading
October Chiropatients

October Chiropatients

11Oct, 2016
October Chiropatient: Barbara Kosanke Ms. Barbara has been such a great patient to have in the office! She comes to all of our classes, is interested in having a healthier lifestyle, and she has even referred her family to our office! We love her and her entire family, and it\'s always a joy to see them all! WeKeep Reading
July Chiropatients of the Month

July Chiropatients of the Month

26Jul, 2016
Mrs. Kim is a great patient to have in the office. She is faithful in coming to all of her adjustments and making them up when she misses! She also enjoys all of our classes and getting educated on different ways to stay healthy! She has referred other patients to our office who have been great patients as well. WeKeep Reading
Natural Remedies for Ear Infections in Children

Natural Remedies for Ear Infections in Children

26Apr, 2016
Ear infections are a very important topic. This is commonly the condition that starts children down the antibiotic path of which is hard to switch them back to natural remedies. Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton, D.C.  states in his blog, \"Not all ear infections are actually infected ears, or even infections. Children\'s Eustachian tubes (ear canals) are notKeep Reading
Headaches & Chiropractic Care

Headaches & Chiropractic Care

12Jan, 2016
If you have a headache, you\'re not alone. 9 out of 10 American\'s suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause delibitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you have a headache? Grit your teeth, grin and bear it, lie down, pop a pill and hope itKeep Reading