IMG_0182-e1468852228930Mrs. Kim is a great patient to have in the office. She is faithful in coming to all of her adjustments and making them up when she misses! She also enjoys all of our classes and getting educated on different ways to stay healthy! She has referred other patients to our office who have been great patients as well. We love seeing her passion for her spine and her health and can’t wait to see all the change she’s made by being proactive!


Jacob is Mrs. Kim’s son and is a great asset to our patients. He is adamant about getting his adjustments and making sure he does all of his exercises to stay in shape for baseball and his other sports! We have already seen great progress in the few months he’s been here. He is super polite and respectful to our staff and is a pleasure to see when he’s in the office! We love having families that get adjusted. Families that get adjusted together stay together!